Music, good evening from Laredo, Texas, and thank you for joining us for news from a Catholic perspective. I’m Lauren Ashburn reporting tonight on the US-Mexico border. We are here to see firsthand how federal agents in one part of Texas enforce immigration laws. A team of about 1,700 custom and Border Patrol agents monitor by water, land, and air. There is no wall, there is no fence in some locations, it's simply 35 yards of the Rio Grande River. We began on the water where everyday hundreds of Laredo custom border patrol agents scan 171 miles of river banks. Agents say they catch about a hundred a day. Paid guides swim with them, carrying 60 to 70 pounds of supplies or drugs on their backs. But some don't make it. We saw this dead body on the Mexico shore. If they make it across the Rio Grande, their first steps are here in Laredo. This way, they run quickly, shedding their clothes as they go, climbing up the hill where someone is meeting them. And at the top of the hill is a soccer field. A soccer field right here. That took me what, a minute and a half? Agent Adela Vosapata has been on the hunt for 16 years. They'll change into their dry clothes so they'll be able to continue and blend in the city. Because literally right now, you have seconds to minutes to apprehend them. What do you need here in order to stop this? Well, we have our cameras, we have like, I said, like we just came off the boat, we have agents. They are here, they might be set up, and you might not be able to see them. Try our best to be everywhere from the river to the road. You go Charlie, QO...
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Border patrol agent requirements Form: What You Should Know
Pleading Paper — Cal. Rules of Court Mar 18, 2025 — If you have not filed your motion yet, you need a brief on the legal issues you have raised, and a basic form to use to get everything together. This is because you will be filing more than one motion and/or counterclaim. Pleading for a motion to dismiss or a counterclaim in California — Federal Court Forms. Click the attachments below to download. Pleading Paper — Cal. Rules of Court Feb 21, 2025 — You must go over the basics in a court, before you get to your issues. If you have to file two motions together, and you need to know exactly what you will be doing, then you have to do this beforehand. Pleading Paper — California State Courts. Download the template. Pleading for a motion to dismiss in California. (Filing the Motion) (The Motion to Dismiss) (the Subpoenas) The other two motions are filed separately. Pleading Paper — The Filing of a Countercharge in California. (Countercharge) (The Countercharge) This form should be filed after your Motion to Dismiss. The Countercharge is just a document to show it was filed. Pleading Paper — The Discharge of a Countercomplaint in California. (The Dismissal) (This is not a form and therefore will not be on the form.) Pleading Paper — Federal Court. Read the instructions thoroughly. Pleading Paper — federal court forms. If you are not filing a Federal court motion, your legal knowledge is going to be inadequate as your lawyer will do the same thing, and be confused. When you file in California court, you need a brief on your legal arguments and your motion should follow the instructions to the letter. (this was already explained in this case, it has nothing to do with this case) Pleading Paper — California state court forms. All in all, be sure to make a copy of the paperwork you print off at the top. Pleading Paper — San Diego Law Library Pleading Paper — San Diego Law Library Dec 01, 2025 — You are not allowed to file a counterclaim if you did not file your motion for dismissal. Also, the counterclaim will only count if the case does not get dismissed.
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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Border patrol agent requirements