Hello, welcome to the USA. ESTA is an abbreviation for Electronic System for Travel Authorization. The government of the United States developed ESTA as an online application system to help pre-screen travelers before boarding a ship or airplane headed to the US. It has been a requirement since January 12, 2009, for any person entering the country to have an approved ESTA as a Travel Authorization. The ESTA acts as an automated system for determining the eligibility of visitors traveling to the United States under the Visa Waiver Program. Authorization is not a determinant of the admissibility of a traveler to the US. Upon arrival, officers from US Customs and Border Protection determine the admissibility of the visitor. Biographic information and answers to the Visa Waiver Program eligibility questions are collected through the ESTA application. You can submit an ESTA application at any time before traveling, but it is recommended to do so before purchasing airline tickets. The difference between an ESTA application and a visa is that the ESTA approval is not a visa. If a US visa is required, the ESTA does not comply with legal or legislative requirements. If a traveler has a valid US visa, they may enter the US with that visa, and an additional ESTA approval is not required. If the United States is only your transit country, you still need an ESTA. An ESTA Travel Authorization only permits an individual to travel to the US, whether it's for visiting or transiting to another destination. It is not a guarantee of entry or transit through the US. It is recommended to begin the application process early if you plan to visit or transit through the US within the next six months. Travelers who are planning to transit through the US and are nationals or...
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Esta questions Form: What You Should Know
What are the ETA questions about these additional pieces of information? How do I update the information on my application? How do I complete my partially completed application? What information can I update? A. Passport Information 1) Passport: Provide your full passport number. Please choose the passport you will use. B: Country of Birth, Birthplace, and Nationality: List the full name of the country, place, or district from which you are a citizen or National of. Please select the Country from which you are a citizen or are a national. A list of acceptable countries is available below. 2) Country of Birth: List the full name of the country, place, or district from which you are a citizen or National of. Please select the country from which you are a citizen or are a national. B. Birthplace: If you are born outside the United States, please list your birthplace. 3) Nationality: Please tell us if you are eligible for the ETA program. 4) Additional Information: If you wish to provide additional information, you may include it in your ESTA application by answering questions 12-22 of the form. 5) What Are the ESTA Questions about these Additional Pieces of Information? ยท Address : List the full address of where you currently reside. ยท U.S. City / State / ZIP Code : List the full address of where you currently live. 6) Citizenship or Nationality If U.S., British, or an international national โ indicate by marking the question(s) in red. If you are a citizen of an ETA country โ indicate by marking the question(s) in green. If you have not yet requested a passport or have already a passport โ indicate by marking the question(s) in green. If you were born outside the United States, please enter the full nationalities of your parents If you were born outside the United States and are living outside the United States, please indicate your birthplace and your current residence If you are a U.S. citizen at birth (U.S./British parent) โ you will be asked if you are a U.S. citizen If you were born outside the United States, you will be asked if you are a U.S. citizen or a British national and if you know Is you are a U.S.
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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Esta questions